"Ok so, now you think your not good enough, ok someone, told you your not strong enough. So now you think that you can't make it through the day, God is here and he wants you too listen to what he has to say"
Have you heard these words or something similar before?
At a time where you think thats it, I give up, I can't do this christian walk anymore! Every time I try to move forward, something happens and I've taken 10 steps backwards. That was me!
God speaks to me through songs and it is quite a supernatural, amazing experience. When the Lord gave me this song, I had recently had a confrontation with a particular person who always seems to bring out the worst in me. Some one who has a tendency to make me feel low, less of a person and not good enough for well......anything. When negative things are spoken over our lives, they are sown into our spirit and can take root, and then begin to grow as that 'seed' is continually 'watered' with the same negative words. Just like a plant.
I was giving my children a bath and literally 'meditating' on these negative thoughts. I was telling myself that I was gonna give up, NO MORE WRITING, NO MORE SINGING, MAYBE EVEN NO MORE CHURCH! Gasp!!!!! Its true, it even went as far as I'm not gonna clean my house, get dressed, talk to anyone, just what is the point of all this, I'm nothing, overweight, ugly!!!! On top of that, meditating on all the heartache and pain I had been through. (All of this was going through my mind as I'm bathing my children).
But the Lord spoke the above words into my spirit, and they came out of my mouth in a melody, in singing, in a song! The more the words came out, the more I began to smile and get excited! I love the lord as he is always on time! What was happening was so amazing that I was even laughing, overcome with joy! God was reminding me of what he had called me to do and through my weakness and my brokeness he is able to manifest his magnificent healing powers through these songs. That situation had to happen in order for this song to be birthed out of me. Isn't that amazing?
"Your fearfully and wonderfully made, more than a conqueror in Jesus name, the head and not the tail, you surely will not fail, the apple of his eye"
Psalm 139
Romans 8:37
Deuteronomy 28:13
Psalm 17:8
After the first verse, the Lord gave me this chorus.
"Now your mine please step in line its, Time to renew your mind. Ill make you shine sweet, child of mine its Time to renew your mind"
You see, we were bought at a price, when Jesus died on the cross so we belong to the most high God!
The lord then proceeded to deal with my heartache and pain that I was meditating on, the words in the song let me know that he understood what I went through and how it had affected my trust in other people but more importantly..... God. He also showed me that where I thought I had forgiven, I was still holding in my heart which caused me to focus on the past experiences. The Lord then reaffirmed who HE is, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, the life giver, the healer, that he will set me free!! ( I cam feel the Holy spirit as I am writing this blog).
"All the time someone told you lies you, held them in your heart, wide open, you felt like you were choking and now you protect your heart. What a catastrophe, what that person did to me, I wont let it happen again, God is here and he is more than just a friend. You see I'm not a man that I can lie, every word from my mouth is to speak life, forgive and release is the only way to be, free!!
Every time I sing this song, I am taken back to that day, that moment, how I felt and then how the Lord gloriously spoke those words into me and then out of me. When the enemy STILL tries to bring negative thoughts into my mind, I find my self singing, "TIME TO RENEW YOUR MIND" and those thoughts immediately return to the pits of hell where they came from! Ha ha!!
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
(3)"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
(4) For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;
(5) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"
Those negative thoughts were 'high things' that tried to exalt themselves against the knowledge of God, and the Lord brought them into captivity by releasing that song in my spirit. My my my, what an awesome God I serve!
The Lord has given me songs of healing that are also weapons, mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds!!
God bless, Vocalz.xxx
Renew your mind is available for free download @ www.vocalz7.co.uk